What You Do Know


Sundays @ 12 noon, Tuesdays @ 7:15 pm

by: Pastor Joey Vazquez



John 9:25 (NIV) He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

The Pharisees were always very upset with Jesus. They weren’t upset because He was hurting people or taking advantage of them. No, on the contrary, He was helping people in incredible and miraculous ways. One day He came across a man that had been blind from birth. This man had never known what it was to be able to see. Jesus made some mud, put it on the man’s eyes and told him to make his way to the Pool of Siloam to wash off the mud. The man did as Jesus told him to do and when He washed the mud away, he was able to see for the first time in his life. As you can imagine, this caused quite a stir and the news got to the Pharisees. To add to their consternation, this healing occurred on a Sabbath. They questioned the man and even questioned the parents because they couldn’t believe that a man that had been born blind was now able to see. When the parents affirmed that their son had indeed been born blind, they called the man back in. They asked again in unbelief what happened to him and then said that they knew that Jesus was a sinner. That’s when the man answered with the scripture above.

What an incredible answer that was. That miracle spoke to the most powerful proof of who Jesus is and it was something that neither the Pharisees nor anyone else who hated Jesus were able to refute. Before them stood a man who had been blind since he was born. His parents obviously knew it and his neighbors and friends knew it. Everyone who passed by him daily as he begged for money also knew that he was indeed blind. But there he was, talking to them while being able to see them! This shows us the extent of the rebellion that the teachers and leaders of that day were engaged in against the very God that they claimed to serve. Even though there was no denying what happened, they refused to believe. People say that seeing is believing, but even in seeing the evidence, they still would not allow themselves to believe in Jesus.

Did you know that if you are a follower of Christ and have been walking with Him and in Him for a while, that you, too, have undeniable evidence of who Jesus is? Has He done miracles for you? Has He delivered you from impossible situations? Has He done for you what no one else can do? You may not be a pastor, evangelist or a leader of a ministry and you may not feel that you know enough to be a teacher of others, but there are some things that you definitely do know. Here are some of them: you were lost but now you are found. You were blind spiritually, but now you can see. You were a sinner, but now you are redeemed and cleansed from all of your sin. Absolutely no one can argue with you about that, and it is all because Jesus is who He said that He is! It is what you do know! Use it to tell others about your Lord and Savior.

Pastor Joey Vazquez

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John 9:25 (NIV) He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

The Pharisees were always very upset with Jesus. They weren’t upset because He was hurting people or taking advantage of them. No, on the contrary, He was helping people in incredible and miraculous ways. One day He came across a man that had been blind from birth. This man had never known what it was to be able to see. Jesus made some mud, put it on the man’s eyes and told him to make his way to the Pool of Siloam to wash off the mud. The man did as Jesus told him to do and when He washed the mud away, he was able to see for the first time in his life. As you can imagine, this caused quite a stir and the news got to the Pharisees. To add to their consternation, this healing occurred on a Sabbath. They questioned the man and even questioned the parents because they couldn’t believe that a man that had been born blind was now able to see. When the parents affirmed that their son had indeed been born blind, they called the man back in. They asked again in unbelief what happened to him and then said that they knew that Jesus was a sinner. That’s when the man answered with the scripture above.

What an incredible answer that was. That miracle spoke to the most powerful proof of who Jesus is and it was something that neither the Pharisees nor anyone else who hated Jesus were able to refute. Before them stood a man who had been blind since he was born. His parents obviously knew it and his neighbors and friends knew it. Everyone who passed by him daily as he begged for money also knew that he was indeed blind. But there he was, talking to them while being able to see them! This shows us the extent of the rebellion that the teachers and leaders of that day were engaged in against the very God that they claimed to serve. Even though there was no denying what happened, they refused to believe. People say that seeing is believing, but even in seeing the evidence, they still would not allow themselves to believe in Jesus.

Did you know that if you are a follower of Christ and have been walking with Him and in Him for a while, that you, too, have undeniable evidence of who Jesus is? Has He done miracles for you? Has He delivered you from impossible situations? Has He done for you what no one else can do? You may not be a pastor, evangelist or a leader of a ministry and you may not feel that you know enough to be a teacher of others, but there are some things that you definitely do know. Here are some of them: you were lost but now you are found. You were blind spiritually, but now you can see. You were a sinner, but now you are redeemed and cleansed from all of your sin. Absolutely no one can argue with you about that, and it is all because Jesus is who He said that He is! It is what you do know! Use it to tell others about your Lord and Savior.

Pastor Joey Vazquez

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1 Comments on this post:

Sam Stansberry

Thank you for posting God bless
Amen thank you Jesus Christ our Savior