1 Chronicles 28:19 (NIV) “All this,” David said, “I have in writing as a result of the Lord’s hand on me, and he enabled me to understand all the details of the plan.”
When I buy something that needs to be assembled, I cringe a little as I take a look at the instructions. Sometimes, the instructions are so detailed that my eyes glaze over for a couple of minutes until I am able to talk myself into thinking that I can get it done. I can just imagine what David must have been feeling when the Lord revealed His plans for the temple that was going to be built for His name. The Word of God says that it was God’s Spirit that put all the details in David’s mind for not only the temple, but also for its buildings, storerooms, inner rooms, and more (1 Chronicles 28:12). I can’t imagine the depth of all that information and how David was able to write it all down, let alone understand it. But David tells us how he accomplished that in the verse above. It was God who enabled him to understand it.
When the Lord puts you on a mission, it is usually way above your head. Because it is the Lord’s work and comes from the very mind of God, it is not possible to figure it out on your own. Those that receive a revelation of something that the Lord has for them to do and then run out to do it on their own wind up making a mess of things and causing themselves a lot of heartache. Like the Word of God says, spiritual things are spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14) and anything that comes from the throne room of God is spiritual in nature. The plans for the physical temple were spiritual plans, not just your normal building plans. Each detail had a purpose and a reason for being. For example, the altar of incense that was going to be placed in the Holy Place inside the temple would not be just a place to burn incense but was going to represent the aroma of the prayers of the people that were going to go up to God. Everything that the Lord instructed to be built had spiritual relevancy and represented something much deeper than what the thing was physically. David was able to write the plans down and was able to understand them because God had enabled Him to.
The same is possible with us today. Many Christians are afraid to get instructions from God because they think that He will put them on some hard, impossible mission that they are not capable of accomplishing. But just like He did with David, the Lord will equip you and enable you to do what He calls you to do. But what if it’s something like being a missionary in a difficult place on another continent? Well, that’s probably not what He has for you but if He did, then not only would He enable you to get and understand His instructions about it, but He will even cause your heart to desire to go to that place and fulfill that mission. That’s why He always gets the glory in everything! Seek the Lord’s direction and be confident that He will enable you to understand His instructions and to do the thing that He gives you to do for His glory.
Pastor Joey Vazquez
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