Matthew 4:2-4 (NIV) After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
Today is the last day of our fast and I would like to conclude by taking another look at the well-known fast that the Lord Jesus made from another angle. It’s an amazing story and there are a few things that stand out in these few verses. First of all, it puts Jesus, God the Son, in a very human light. He fasted for 40 days and He was hungry. Many of you who have fasted significant amounts or groups of foods are hungry as well. Jesus identifies with us because He knows about human hunger. Jesus understands what you feel and what you go through.
The next thing is that Satan came to tempt Him either after the fast or at the very least, he saved his most vicious attacks of temptation until then when Jesus was at His weakest point physically. Could it be that the enemy did not have much effect in the midst of Jesus’ praying and fasting? This is such a sacred time of building your faith and experiencing fresh strength and power even while your own strength and power have waned because you have not eaten like you are used too. It’s a good lesson to remember as you face new trials and tests in this New Year. Fasting and prayer are powerful tools that the Lord has given us for our journey here on earth and it keeps the enemy and his schemes at bay.
Finally, we see the result of the time that Jesus had spent in prayer and fasting for 40 days. Even though His body was so weak after not eating for 40 days, Satan could not get to Him. After all of his temptation attempts, the Bible tells us that the devil gave up and left Him. How great would it be if the devil could not get to you? What if you had prepared yourself so much through prayer and fasting that the devil will just have to give up and leave?
I am so glad that you chose to join us for this year’s fast. I pray that you have learned and experienced new things and that you have drawn closer in your intimacy with God. If you have made a significant fast of food, be aware that your body is weak and that the enemy will try to come at you and attack you because of it. Be ready for any attempts from the evil one to try to rob you of what you have received and do what scripture says to do: resist him and he must flee from you! Let's get ready to take some new territory for the Kingdom of God!
Pastor Joey Vazquez
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