Our Over, Through and in All God


Sundays @ 12 noon, Tuesdays @ 7:15 pm

by: Pastor Joey Vazquez



Ephesians 4:5-6 (NIV) One Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

I believe that because we have a finite brain, meaning that we can only understand things when they have a beginning and an ending, we have a tough time wrapping our minds around everything that God is. He is beyond our comprehension and even beyond our imagination. Those of us that have committed our lives to Him have so much to be thankful about.

First of all, God is over everything. It’s very helpful in this life when you know someone that has authority in certain areas. Based on your relationship with that person, it can prove to be very helpful that you have access to that person when certain situations come up. But whoever it is that you know, no matter who that is all the way up to the president of the United States, God is way over that person. That means that whatever situation you are in, there is no one higher that you can appeal to than to Him, and He happens to love you beyond what you know. Secondly, everything that happens, happens through Him. He is in control of all things. Although people have a free will and can choose to disobey God and do evil things, the Lord is always in control. He uses everything for His good purposes and through Him, all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28). Just take Joseph for example. In the end, he understood that although his brothers meant to harm him (they sold him into slavery), God allowed it to happen for Joseph’s good and to save the lives of His people (Genesis 50:20). Thirdly, God is in all. There is nowhere that you can go that God isn’t there (Psalm 139:7-12). God is in everything that He wants to be in and there is no one that can change that fact.

That’s why it is so, so good to have Him as our Lord and Savior. No one can love you more and no one can take better care over you than the Lord Jesus. No one can be around like He can (He promised to never leave you), and no one has the power that He does to work on your behalf. He is absolutely over all, through all and in all. That’s all you need to know to not ever worry or be afraid again. As His child, He is watching over you, working through you and living in you! What a God we serve, and what a blessing and joy it is to have Him as our God! When troublesome things come your way and you are tempted to get down, just think about your over all, through all and in all God! He has you well covered in this life and beyond.

Pastor Joey Vazquez

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Ephesians 4:5-6 (NIV) One Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

I believe that because we have a finite brain, meaning that we can only understand things when they have a beginning and an ending, we have a tough time wrapping our minds around everything that God is. He is beyond our comprehension and even beyond our imagination. Those of us that have committed our lives to Him have so much to be thankful about.

First of all, God is over everything. It’s very helpful in this life when you know someone that has authority in certain areas. Based on your relationship with that person, it can prove to be very helpful that you have access to that person when certain situations come up. But whoever it is that you know, no matter who that is all the way up to the president of the United States, God is way over that person. That means that whatever situation you are in, there is no one higher that you can appeal to than to Him, and He happens to love you beyond what you know. Secondly, everything that happens, happens through Him. He is in control of all things. Although people have a free will and can choose to disobey God and do evil things, the Lord is always in control. He uses everything for His good purposes and through Him, all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28). Just take Joseph for example. In the end, he understood that although his brothers meant to harm him (they sold him into slavery), God allowed it to happen for Joseph’s good and to save the lives of His people (Genesis 50:20). Thirdly, God is in all. There is nowhere that you can go that God isn’t there (Psalm 139:7-12). God is in everything that He wants to be in and there is no one that can change that fact.

That’s why it is so, so good to have Him as our Lord and Savior. No one can love you more and no one can take better care over you than the Lord Jesus. No one can be around like He can (He promised to never leave you), and no one has the power that He does to work on your behalf. He is absolutely over all, through all and in all. That’s all you need to know to not ever worry or be afraid again. As His child, He is watching over you, working through you and living in you! What a God we serve, and what a blessing and joy it is to have Him as our God! When troublesome things come your way and you are tempted to get down, just think about your over all, through all and in all God! He has you well covered in this life and beyond.

Pastor Joey Vazquez

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