Like a Child


Sundays @ 12 noon, Tuesdays @ 7:15 pm

by: Pastor Joey Vazquez



Luke 18:17 (NIV) “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

My young grandson, who is three years old, had gotten sick along with everyone else in the house, which included mom, dad and baby brother. The very next day, he woke up feeling completely well. His dad pointed out to him that he seemed fine that day to which he replied, “I know, Jesus healed me.” It was too quick of a recovery to say that it was nothing other than God's healing hand, but how did this little boy know that it was Jesus who had healed him? It was his simple, childlike faith. He has not yet learned to doubt what Jesus has said. He has not yet become so educated that supernatural healing seems a little too “mystical” to believe. He has been taught since his eyes opened to this world that there is a God who loves him and who watches over him, and he has learned to pray and ask him for things when he is in need. And better yet, he not only has learned how to pray, but he believes that Jesus will give him what he prays for.

What is it that happens to us when we get older and a little more “sophisticated?” It’s not like Jesus has not supernaturally helped us before. But no matter how many times He does, many of us doubt Him the next time. It’s a wonder that we get any of our prayers answered. Ah, but that's why the Lord made sure not to require that much of us because He knows our limitations. All that is required is faith the size of a mustard seed. If you have ever seen a mustard seed, I’m sure that you had to strain your eyes a little in order to see it. It is one of the smallest seeds in the world. Isn’t it shocking that many Christians can’t muster up at least that much faith? But perhaps we can all learn from the father who brought his demon-possessed son to the disciples for healing. They couldn’t do it and when Jesus came onto the scene, the father asked Jesus if He could heal the boy. Jesus told him that everything is possible for one who believes. That’s when the father exclaimed, “Lord I do believe. Help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:23-24) Jesus then proceeded to cast the demon out of the boy, making him whole that very moment.

We do have issues with our faith. Many want to believe so that they can believe Jesus for more in their lives, so perhaps we should all adopt this father’s stance. Those that truly know Jesus do believe that He can do anything. It’s just that they may have trouble believing that He will do it for them personally. May the Lord help us all with our unbelief. But better yet is to come to Him as a child. Perhaps we need to unlearn a lot of what has been taught to us by unbelievers and agnostics who refuse to acknowledge God and begin to believe past our own logic. By the way, it is not illogical to believe that the God who made the heavens and the earth just by speaking them into existence is able to help us, no matter what the need. Let’s ask the Lord to help us believe as children do, so that we will see him do more among us for His glory.

Pastor Joey Vazquez

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Luke 18:17 (NIV) “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

My young grandson, who is three years old, had gotten sick along with everyone else in the house, which included mom, dad and baby brother. The very next day, he woke up feeling completely well. His dad pointed out to him that he seemed fine that day to which he replied, “I know, Jesus healed me.” It was too quick of a recovery to say that it was nothing other than God's healing hand, but how did this little boy know that it was Jesus who had healed him? It was his simple, childlike faith. He has not yet learned to doubt what Jesus has said. He has not yet become so educated that supernatural healing seems a little too “mystical” to believe. He has been taught since his eyes opened to this world that there is a God who loves him and who watches over him, and he has learned to pray and ask him for things when he is in need. And better yet, he not only has learned how to pray, but he believes that Jesus will give him what he prays for.

What is it that happens to us when we get older and a little more “sophisticated?” It’s not like Jesus has not supernaturally helped us before. But no matter how many times He does, many of us doubt Him the next time. It’s a wonder that we get any of our prayers answered. Ah, but that's why the Lord made sure not to require that much of us because He knows our limitations. All that is required is faith the size of a mustard seed. If you have ever seen a mustard seed, I’m sure that you had to strain your eyes a little in order to see it. It is one of the smallest seeds in the world. Isn’t it shocking that many Christians can’t muster up at least that much faith? But perhaps we can all learn from the father who brought his demon-possessed son to the disciples for healing. They couldn’t do it and when Jesus came onto the scene, the father asked Jesus if He could heal the boy. Jesus told him that everything is possible for one who believes. That’s when the father exclaimed, “Lord I do believe. Help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:23-24) Jesus then proceeded to cast the demon out of the boy, making him whole that very moment.

We do have issues with our faith. Many want to believe so that they can believe Jesus for more in their lives, so perhaps we should all adopt this father’s stance. Those that truly know Jesus do believe that He can do anything. It’s just that they may have trouble believing that He will do it for them personally. May the Lord help us all with our unbelief. But better yet is to come to Him as a child. Perhaps we need to unlearn a lot of what has been taught to us by unbelievers and agnostics who refuse to acknowledge God and begin to believe past our own logic. By the way, it is not illogical to believe that the God who made the heavens and the earth just by speaking them into existence is able to help us, no matter what the need. Let’s ask the Lord to help us believe as children do, so that we will see him do more among us for His glory.

Pastor Joey Vazquez

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