Mark 13:31 (NIV) Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Mostly everything that exists changes over time. Things evolve, including science and knowledge. There were ways that we used to think about the earth that we now know are incorrect. There are things that people swore were exact science years ago that today are looked at as foolish. There are food items that dieticians and nutritionists used to tell us that we needed in our diet that in today’s world are considered very unhealthy. Cultural norms constantly change as well, but in a circular pattern. In other words, what people believe now about social norms were things that other people in a different era believed as well until they changed. Even morality has changed. While the world has been sinful ever since sin came into play, what people accept as normal and even good has changed dramatically. Everything changes...except Jesus and His Word.
The Bible tells us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). That is an awesome truth for us because when you go to Him in prayer, you don’t have to wonder if He’s in a good mood or not or if He feels like talking with you or not. He remains the same almighty, loving, patient and compassionate God that He has always been, which gives us the courage to approach His throne of grace. On top of that, what Jesus has said will never change. What He said when He was on earth over two thousand years ago is just as meaningful, powerful and relevant today as it was when He uttered those words to the disciples and people of His day. In the verse above, Jesus doesn’t leave us room for doubt about how lasting His words truly are. He said that even heaven and earth will pass away (there will be a new heaven and a new earth - Revelation 21:1) but that His words will NEVER pass away.
This makes you wonder how anyone who calls themself a Christian can say that the Word of God has evolved and what was truth back then is not necessarily true today. They say that what was sinful in those days is not sinful today because we have attained more knowledge about things. How foolish! The cultural weirdness and moral decline that we are experiencing in our modern world has been done before. Like Solomon admonished us in the Book of Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun. What has been will be again and what has been done will be done again (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10). There are people who identify themselves as believers that say that the Word of God is not relevant for today and that it has no authority today. That’s convenient for those that want to normalize sin so that they can continue to live in it without feeling guilt (hint - that doesn’t work). Let’s take Jesus at His word and live according to it because it is truth for all time and will lead you in the right direction during your time here on earth and will escort you safely home to be with Him in glory forever and ever. Thank God for His everlasting Word!
Pastor Joey Vazquez
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