No One Else


Sundays @ 12 noon, Tuesdays @ 7:15 pm

by: Pastor Joey Vazquez



Psalm 18:31 (NIV) For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God?

In Psalm 18, the psalmist David wrote about how the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and the hand of King Saul who pursued him relentlessly in order to kill him. But neither King Saul nor any other enemy of David were able to lay a hand on him because he relied heavily on the Lord. He did not trust in his own fighting ability or even in his fellow warriors that joined him. While he did have some brave and mighty men with him, his confidence was never in them or in any other human resource. His trust and his confidence were in God alone. His reasoning is expressed in the verse of scripture above.

What David was reminding himself of as well as proclaiming to anyone who would listen is that there is no other God but God. David knew that nothing or no one could ever come against the only God that is truly God. Even though enemies could come against him in the name of their gods, he knew that any other god was not a god at all but just a worthless idol. Even if his enemies were relying on demon activity because they had sold their souls to the devil, the fact is that the devil and all his demons together are no match for God.  That’s why He is the God of all gods, King of all kings and Lord of all lords. And that’s not all. David was asking the question, “Who is God besides the Lord?” knowing the answer fully well. That answer meant life to him and deliverance from anyone who would come against him because this Almighty God, whom He also called the Rock, happened to be his God. This God that has no equal and who alone stands in supreme authority was also his God. He had entrusted himself to Him and so he experienced God's deliverance in his life over and over again until the end of his life.

That God who David trusted in is also our God. That Rock is our Rock. Like David, we also don't have anything to fear from our enemies or even from the problems and troublesome circumstances of our lives. If you have been serving the Lord for a good amount of time, I trust that you can say that He has been faithful to you and that He has come through for you many times. But still, when the next problem comes up, we tend to get afraid again. What we need to do is what David did. We need to ask the question of ourselves, “Who is God besides the Lord?” The answer is no one! Then, “Who is the Rock except our God?” Again, absolutely no one. This God, who is the Rock, is your God and He’s mine as well. If we have Him as our God, then we need no one else. Let’s keep that in mind so that we will not be afraid and so that we can be successful in our journey here on earth like David was.

Pastor Joey Vazquez

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Psalm 18:31 (NIV) For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God?

In Psalm 18, the psalmist David wrote about how the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and the hand of King Saul who pursued him relentlessly in order to kill him. But neither King Saul nor any other enemy of David were able to lay a hand on him because he relied heavily on the Lord. He did not trust in his own fighting ability or even in his fellow warriors that joined him. While he did have some brave and mighty men with him, his confidence was never in them or in any other human resource. His trust and his confidence were in God alone. His reasoning is expressed in the verse of scripture above.

What David was reminding himself of as well as proclaiming to anyone who would listen is that there is no other God but God. David knew that nothing or no one could ever come against the only God that is truly God. Even though enemies could come against him in the name of their gods, he knew that any other god was not a god at all but just a worthless idol. Even if his enemies were relying on demon activity because they had sold their souls to the devil, the fact is that the devil and all his demons together are no match for God.  That’s why He is the God of all gods, King of all kings and Lord of all lords. And that’s not all. David was asking the question, “Who is God besides the Lord?” knowing the answer fully well. That answer meant life to him and deliverance from anyone who would come against him because this Almighty God, whom He also called the Rock, happened to be his God. This God that has no equal and who alone stands in supreme authority was also his God. He had entrusted himself to Him and so he experienced God's deliverance in his life over and over again until the end of his life.

That God who David trusted in is also our God. That Rock is our Rock. Like David, we also don't have anything to fear from our enemies or even from the problems and troublesome circumstances of our lives. If you have been serving the Lord for a good amount of time, I trust that you can say that He has been faithful to you and that He has come through for you many times. But still, when the next problem comes up, we tend to get afraid again. What we need to do is what David did. We need to ask the question of ourselves, “Who is God besides the Lord?” The answer is no one! Then, “Who is the Rock except our God?” Again, absolutely no one. This God, who is the Rock, is your God and He’s mine as well. If we have Him as our God, then we need no one else. Let’s keep that in mind so that we will not be afraid and so that we can be successful in our journey here on earth like David was.

Pastor Joey Vazquez

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