Glory in the Heavens


Sundays @ 12 noon, Tuesdays @ 7:15 pm

by: Pastor Joey Vazquez



Psalm 19:1 (NIV) The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

It’s a wonder to me that people can see the sky above them and the heavens above that and think that it all came together by chance. With everything else that you can think of, people have no problem in figuring out that if something exists, it was created by someone. As I am writing this I am sitting at a desk right now and it never crossed my mind that the desk either wasn’t there and one day suddenly appeared or that it was a splinter of wood once and over billions of years, evolved into a desk. And even if I wanted to believe the evolution thing, I still would have the problem of explaining where the splinter came from in the first place. Obviously, the desk had a designer and builder. That goes for everything that people can think of, except for what God created. That, many people say, was just happenstance.

I believe that deep down, it’s not a belief system that people have that the world that we live in happened by chance. A better word for that is rebellion. It started with Satan rebelling against God because He wanted to be God himself. He wanted to rise above God and somehow enticed a third of the angels to follow him in that rebellion. Then when Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin against God, that’s when sin came into the world and along with sin came rebellion. The history of mankind is a history of rebellion against God. Even God’s chosen people rebelled against Him. Rebellion is in our DNA. It wasn’t until Jesus came to pay the penalty of our sin and rebellion that we were set free from the power of sin that leads to rebellion. It’s only through rebellion that you can look up at the sky and the heavens and not see God’s handiwork.

So many times I have looked up and seen the majestic artistry of God’s beautiful painting in the sky and the heavens. It has taken my breath away so many times. It is so obvious that what the Lord created is glorious and that this same creation is declaring His glory. It’s there for all to see...if all would want to see it. But declaring it would mean that they would have to come under the authority of the God of the heavens and the earth and that’s what many people do not want. So they make up ridiculous excuses about how we and what God created got here. It’s pure nonsense and deep down those spouting the nonsense know it. Let’s thank the Lord Jesus for rescuing us and freeing us from sin and from the insanity of rebelling against the King of kings and Lord of lords who is now also our Abba, Father, so that we can enjoy what He created for us to utterly enjoy. Join in the chorus of the sky and the heavens to declare the glory of our God who made the heavens and the earth, and who owns the very breath you have in your lungs!

Pastor Joey Vazquez

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Psalm 19:1 (NIV) The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

It’s a wonder to me that people can see the sky above them and the heavens above that and think that it all came together by chance. With everything else that you can think of, people have no problem in figuring out that if something exists, it was created by someone. As I am writing this I am sitting at a desk right now and it never crossed my mind that the desk either wasn’t there and one day suddenly appeared or that it was a splinter of wood once and over billions of years, evolved into a desk. And even if I wanted to believe the evolution thing, I still would have the problem of explaining where the splinter came from in the first place. Obviously, the desk had a designer and builder. That goes for everything that people can think of, except for what God created. That, many people say, was just happenstance.

I believe that deep down, it’s not a belief system that people have that the world that we live in happened by chance. A better word for that is rebellion. It started with Satan rebelling against God because He wanted to be God himself. He wanted to rise above God and somehow enticed a third of the angels to follow him in that rebellion. Then when Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin against God, that’s when sin came into the world and along with sin came rebellion. The history of mankind is a history of rebellion against God. Even God’s chosen people rebelled against Him. Rebellion is in our DNA. It wasn’t until Jesus came to pay the penalty of our sin and rebellion that we were set free from the power of sin that leads to rebellion. It’s only through rebellion that you can look up at the sky and the heavens and not see God’s handiwork.

So many times I have looked up and seen the majestic artistry of God’s beautiful painting in the sky and the heavens. It has taken my breath away so many times. It is so obvious that what the Lord created is glorious and that this same creation is declaring His glory. It’s there for all to see...if all would want to see it. But declaring it would mean that they would have to come under the authority of the God of the heavens and the earth and that’s what many people do not want. So they make up ridiculous excuses about how we and what God created got here. It’s pure nonsense and deep down those spouting the nonsense know it. Let’s thank the Lord Jesus for rescuing us and freeing us from sin and from the insanity of rebelling against the King of kings and Lord of lords who is now also our Abba, Father, so that we can enjoy what He created for us to utterly enjoy. Join in the chorus of the sky and the heavens to declare the glory of our God who made the heavens and the earth, and who owns the very breath you have in your lungs!

Pastor Joey Vazquez

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